Oak Grove Lutheran School

Monday, 15 Apr 2024

So much more than a school, Oak Grove Lutheran School is teaching students academic achievement, lifelong Christian commitment, and loving service throughout the world. They’ve been a leader in faith-based education across generations, with students consistently demonstrating academic achievement ranking above state averages and national norms on standardized assessments. 

This aspirational mindset is evident in their students and in their fundraising success. This year, Oak Grove placed fourth in fundraising for the Large Budget category. The school’s extensive community of support begins within its walls, so that’s where they looked this year to aid their Giving Hearts Day campaign.

"This is Oak Grove."

To illustrate its value and the multitude of opportunities they provide, Oak Grove created a video campaign featuring two of their very own students. These videos follow the students to various activities throughout their days at Oak Grove, encapsulating what it means to attend Oak Grove and that their students are the foundation of what makes up their school. Check out the videos below! 

Additionally, students were called on to reach out to donors and remind them that Giving Hearts Day was approaching. They also made thank you calls following the big day. Being able to engage with these donors – whether they are parents, grandparents, or alumni – allows students to express their gratitude. After all, they are the ones that these gifts are directly impacting, making the message that much more powerful.

Support received from Giving Hearts Day donors supports Oak Grove’s Annual Fund. This allows them to keep their tuition as low as possible and also strengthen their programs to best serve students and families. It also helps to eliminate financial barriers by providing tuition aid to those wanting to call Oak Grove their community. 

Oak Grove Lutheran School is providing an intentionally different and impactful education experience. Click below to learn how you can help! 

GHD Awards are co-sponsored by Bush Foundation and Dakota Medical Foundation.