Father’s Farm

Wednesday, 3 Apr 2024

For men coming out of incarceration or rehab programs, there aren’t a lot of places they can turn to ensure long-term recovery. Far too often, they end up returning to the same situations that got them there in the first place. That’s where Father’s Farm comes in. 

Father’s Farm is a community preparing men to thrive in a broken world. It’s a place where men can go for a fresh start. It’s a place to build up physical, financial, and spiritual development, as well as connect with other men going through similar things. Then, as they grow in their faith, they are able to go forward and positively influence the world around them.

Giving Hearts Day Campaign

This Giving Hearts Day, Father’s Farm took 4th place in fundraising for the small budget category! While their team may not have gone into it feeling as prepared as years prior, their donors came through for them. 

As an organization that relies on Giving Hearts Day for 60-85% of their annual budget, this day of fundraising can greatly impact the organization’s trajectory for the next year. With this year’s success, Father’s Farm is now able to finish two different building projects they had begun. This will allow them to put some finishing touches on these buildings such as bathroom mirrors, trim boards, and landscaping. It will also go toward specific addiction and recovery support curriculum. 

Thanks to a tremendous Giving Hearts Day success, men who feel they have nowhere else to turn, can turn to Father’s Farm.

GHD Awards are co-sponsored by Bush Foundation and Dakota Medical Foundation.