At the core of giving is selflessness, and sometimes that’s best shown through creativity! Now, we could talk about how important the act of giving back to your community is (and trust us, we know!), but we’ll let the experts at Dakota Medical Foundation handle that. We’re going to talk about the how. Oftentimes, we imagine giving back to charities, organizations and nonprofits in the form of financial giving, but that’s just not possible for every person. The next thing that might come to mind is volunteering, and while every minute of volunteer time is valuable, sometimes you just can’t give your time either or the organization you’re supporting doesn’t have volunteer time opportunities available. What are you left with? Well, that might be where you get creative – and that’s exactly what we’re takling in this version of our annual charity issue.
- $26,643,931 raised for charities
- 41,117 Individual Donors
- 90,291 Donations
- $6,777,474 total online donations
- $9,091,824 total check donations
- $8,789,925 match dollars used by charities
What are you realistically able to give? Your Time, Treasure or Talent?
Easy question, hard answer. To help you figure that out, we’ll take a look at some examples.
Talent is really where you can get creative with your giving. Think about you or your company’s skills, products, environment and space – anything that may be able to be a part of something that gives back.
Time is most commonly thought of as volunteer time. you can give your time in any way, be it sorting and packing products at the food bank, taking on a role to run an activity at an event and so on.
A great example of volunteering your time is How Drekker Brewing Company volunteered at the Great North Pole (GNP) event in December. The company chose a handful of different two-hour time slots for their team members to sign up for, all with varying job duties at the GNP event. This group helped prep the boxes of food that were to be delivered later that day.
Treasure is most commonly thought of as donations, specifically financial giving. There’s no denying that financial gifts to non-profit organizations are extremely impactful, but some may choose other paths of giving. Treasure may also look like donating gently used items to a thrift store that works with a local non-profit, or donating non-perishable foods and goods to a food drive!