Coming in first place for the Large Budget fundraising category, it’s clear that YWCA Cass Clay is on a mission. And it’s not just any old mission.
The YWCA is on a mission to; be a place for women and children to turn as they escape violence, homelessness, and crisis; provide safety, warmth, and hope to those who need it most; walk alongside each woman, support her as she heals, and remind her of her incredible worth; empower her to transform her life; watch her triumph as she moves from fear to freedom, breaking the cycles of poverty and violence and creating a better life for herself and her family.
That’s no small task, but it’s necessary. If this shelter didn’t exist, 1,261 women and children in the last year alone would have gone without shelter or been forced to stay with their abuser. There were more than 26,000 nights of shelter provided in 2023, and 85% of individuals sheltered were survivors of domestic violence.
A Giving Hearts Day For the Books

As a Giving Hearts Day participant from the beginning, the YWCA is no stranger to the day of giving. This year, their campaign included a “Catch the ‘Giving Bug’” video and a “Champions of Empowerment” luncheon hosted on the big day, with the largest attendance the event has ever seen. They even had kids from the families they serve color in Henry the Heart images to use as thank yous to donors.

Money raised from their Giving Hearts Day efforts typically covers about a third of their overall Emergency Shelter budget. But it’s important to note that more shelter is not the ultimate goal. Rather, they envision a future with more affordable housing so that survivors can live independently and work toward a better life. The need is great, and as they continue to grow their supportive housing, that need gets closer to being fulfilled with each day.
GHD Awards are co-sponsored by Bush Foundation and Dakota Medical Foundation.