Charity FAQs - Giving Hearts Day

Charity FAQs

Participation and Training

If your organization is interested in Giving Hearts Day, we invite you, along with your staff and board, to review the 2025 Giving Hearts Day Criteria & the Giving Hearts Day 2025 Policies. These will help you understand if your charity has the capacity to run a successful campaign. The Giving Hearts Day Team is also available to answer any questions you may have about participation.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that we have more than 600 charity organizations participating in Giving Hearts Day and they are all different from each other in mission and size. Our goal is to help charities define and achieve their own version of success.

Ready to apply? Click below to get started!

Applications for Giving Hearts Day 2025 are now open! Click the link below to get started.

Yes, there is a subscription fee to participate in Giving Hearts Day. This annual payment includes trainings, webinars, access to the website giving platform, and opportunities to qualify for incentives and awards.

Additionally, there is a donation fee of 2.9% per total donation plus 30 cents per cart assessed to cover credit card provider charges, technology platforms, and processing incurred through our technology partner. Donors are asked if they would like to cover this in addition to their donation in the checkout process.

Giving Hearts Day Kick-Off Training is required annually and provides you with a pathway and resources for your Giving Hearts Day experience. Anyone from your staff, board, or volunteer team is welcome to attend and fulfill the Kick-Off Training requirement.

We also provide a wide range of training through webinars, coaching, and small group sessions. All of these are available to you with your Giving Hearts Day subscription, but completely optional.


No. The majority of matching dollars are raised by charities from their own generous donors. Every organization is required to raise a minimum $3,000 match for Giving Hearts Day. Dakota Medical Foundation hosts the day, provides administrative support, and offers matching funds to a limited number of health-related nonprofits within the DMF service area.

To view the DMF service area please click here:


All donations made on are deposited directly to the charity’s bank account, via Stripe, our payment processor. Checks may also be accepted as Giving Hearts Day donations.